Jung Beauty 2 Step Baby Pore Kit Vip Event 2021


Just 2 weeks ago, we have our first official Jung Beauty Event with our Ksisters vips! It was definitely a great moment getting to meet our vips once again! And this time we host our biggest zoom event, a total of 200 participants over 3 sessions! 

< zoom sessions with our vips> 

It was definitely touched and nice to see our vips once again! Always appreciate that our #ksistersvips always take time off their schedule just to join us! 

In this event, we also finally get to share our latest Jung Beauty 1st skincare launch - 2 step baby pore kit! This product had went through 2 YEARS of formulation, testing and research to bring the best to our Ksisters family! The pink box is definitely eye-catching don’t you think so?

<Our new Jung Beauty 2 Step Baby Pore Kit Introduction> 

During this whole process, our team has tested, tried and feedback countless time just to bring the best for our #Ksistersfamily! Everything was screen and thought through thoroughly so that we can bring the best IN-HOUSE Home Spa experience to you! This comes in so handy if you do not have time to go to the aesthetician or a quick fix before joining an event! 

< The amount of trials Jungmin had went through!> 

During this event, beside getting to know about our new products, our vips also get to engage in a therapeutic hands on flower craft sessions with @bespoke.bloomeys to create a floral art with their favourite initial or symbols!

<Floral initials done during the session> 

It was definitely fun and enjoyable doing onscreen with our vips. Jaslyn from bespoke.bloomeys was patiently teaching us the tips to deal with preserved and dried flowers! It was definitely nice to pick up new skills! We are also heartened to see dms streaming in by our #ksistersvips sharing how much they enjoyed the session and it was definitely therapeutic! 

< Bloomeys craft kit to kickstart the session, it is part of Ksisters goodie bag! >

< Floral sessions in the making with bespoke.bloomeys >

<beautiful craft work by our #ksistersvip!> 

Also we have prepared MORE treats for our #ksistersvip from Ksisters and also from more official partners in this event enstories.co & littlehouseofdreams! We are so excited to have them on board willingly when we shared what we want to do for Jung Beauty event! Thank you for adding excitements and delights to our #ksistersvip and making us feel so special! 

 < enstories.co flower craft kit, it is retailing at their store too! >

< Customised treats from little house of dreams. So cute right! > 

Also in our Ksisters goodie bags, contain 1 set of Jung Beauty trial and also many upcoming product launches! Shhh.. we are not showing! :) 

< Inside our #ksistersvip bag contains many wonderful upcoming launches! > 

We hope our #ksistersvip enjoyed the sessions, we are really touched by the support and participation in this event! Thank you for journeying with us, it was memorable doing this together to celebrate a new launch and Jung Beauty 1st birthday! 

Saranghaeyo! We hope you will love this new product just as we do! And we truly hope to have a physical meet up soon! <3 

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