[Event] VIP Flower Party

Last Saturday (10/2/2018), We finally hosted our dream event! Flower Party with the IT Florist Fiona Treadwell for our VIP mummies to appreciate them this valentine day for their love and support towards us. 

Last year valentine day, we had flower bouquet delivery for our VIP and we thought this year we wanted to make it special for our mummies by learning flower arrangement and also to have a mingle session with each other. 

Fiona Treadwell florist was really generous and kind to prepare all the fresh beautiful flower bar for the mummies to pick later. Some of the flowers were even air-flown from Japan specially for this event. 

The dessert table that is also prepared by Fiona! They are totally yummy and photo-worthy! Thank you love! 

The mummies are getting their hands on the flowers after Fiona taught them on how to make their first flower vase. Really beautiful creations! Great job mummies! 

It was a wonderful time getting to interact with all the VIP mummies and also talking about the outfits they worn from Ksisters. We have never planned who wear which dress but surprisingly, everyone wore different dress except lovely Emeline and Charlottee, our twinning mummies! 

Besides all the interactions, we never forget having endless selfies as well and also talking about our Ksisters preorder collections!

This event was also special, because it is also our first time introducing Stephanie, our Ksisters Unnie, to Ksisters team and VIP mummies.

Thank you Fiona for even helping us to make this event happen for Ksisters. Without you, we couldn't have done it! 

And also Studio Petite for capturing beautiful images of our mummies and moments!

Not forgetting a BIG thank you our VIP mummies for joining us! We are so excited and looking forward to the next event!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day! 




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